Monday, October 24, 2011

1000 gifts: #111-120

my husband, whose birthday it is today - happy birthday Carey!!

playdates that are good for the soul (oh yeah, and good for the kids too)

pumpkin cookies with caramel icing (recipe here)
the joy of creating, and seeing a project come to completion

free flu shots that will hopefully keep us from getting too sick this winter

children who behaved very well while getting their flu shots (just a few tears from each of them)

a second tooth for Emmett, with relatively little pain or fuss

clean floors (that only stay clean for a matter of minutes, oh well!)

a Saturday night just spent at home together (lately it has been rare for us to all be home on any night!)

beautiful weather for taking family pictures outside (I have to share this sneak peak - I just love it!)


Candace Novakowski said...

beautiful list!!! And those pumpkin cookies look sooo good! :)

ohsoblessed said...

Stopping by from Ann's...

What beautiful eyes your little boy has!