Monday, March 14, 2011


I decided on the weekend that it was time to break Emmett of his swaddling habit.  Annika had never been crazy about being swaddled, so it wasn't a big deal to switch her to a fleece sleeping bag.  However, Emmett seems to be more attached to being swaddled, and now that he's started sleeping through the night (most of the time), I thought it would be easier to make the change now, rather than months from now.  Honestly, I actually thought it would be easier on me, because I'm still used to getting up at night right now.  I thought if I waited a few months, and got used to sleeping through the night again, then it would be harder if I had to get up with him again at night!  So I was being a bit selfish. ;)

He seems to be doing okay with the change.  The first night he was up around 3:30, but the second night he slept straight through till morning.  Last night he was up at 1:30, which was quite unusual for him to be up that early in the night.  However, he then slept until almost 9 this morning, so he still got in a good stretch of sleep.  I'm a little unsure of what to do when he wakes up at night now.  I know that he can go 9 or 10 hours between feedings, since he's done it quite a few times, however, I still feed him when he wakes up, as that seems to be the quickest and easiest way to get him (and me) back to sleep.  This is another thing I didn't have to deal with with Annika - when she started sleeping through the night, she did it consistently, none of this back and forth.  And we never had to let her "cry it out".  She was just a really good sleeper - if she did wake up at night, she found her soother and went back to sleep.  Hopefully Emmett will be the same.  Just have to have patience...

1 comment:

PamJ said...

Good luck!! I always waited until they were getting out of the swaddle themselves then transferred [at least H] into a sleep sack...