Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1000 gifts: #51-60

We were away for the weekend at our church's annual "camp" weekend.  Now, I have to admit, this weekend is not really my most favorite time.  Sure, it's fun to get away, and to be in a different (more relaxed) setting with my church family, but with 2 little kids it's also a LOT of work.  And not just the packing up - just being there takes a lot of effort.  Schedules are disrupted, sleep is cut short, tantrums happen with half the church watching. :P  Add to that the fact that I don't get to do what I want to do anymore.  I don't get to sit around and chat with friends.  I don't get to linger in bed in the morning, or stay up late sitting around the fire or playing games.  My weekend is dictated by what my 2 little people want (or don't want) to do.  So it's a challenging weekend for me, especially when I see everyone else (or almost everyone else, there are a few others in our situation as well) doing whatever they want, whenever they want.  However, I'm going to choose to focus on the positive aspects of the weekend - the blessings, the gifts:

having meals prepared and cleaned up for me (everyone has to pitch in with "chores" but I always do other non-kitchen-related chores, so I can enjoy not having to make meals for a weekend)

watching Annika interact with the other children her age

kids that travelled well (it's about a 3 hour drive to the camp)

only one day of rainy/cool weather

a nice, warm room to sleep in with a semi-private bathroom just down the hall (others had to sleep in cabins and go outside to go to the communal washrooms)

even though Carey and I were battling colds, the kids did not get sick

the one time we went down to the beach (it wasn't the warmest weekend for water activities!), Annika was content with playing in the sand and the shallow water, so I didn't have to put on my bathing suit and go in the water (I didn't really want to go in the cold water with my cold)

swings (Annika practically lived on them all weekend!)

seeing other parents deal with their children and knowing that we aren't alone (misery loves company, right?) ;)

a challenging message from the guest speakers

edited to add #61
can't believe I almost forgot about this one - watching the "dignified" older folks in our church scrambling to pick up candy with the same enthusiasm as the little kids!!  (the Sunday afternoon candy scramble is open for all ages to participate - and all ages do!)


EM said...

just back from camping two! :) so much work, yes. but it was only my love and me. enjoy the luxury of home. blessings

Andrea said...

I'm glad you came. I definitely understand what you're talking about though - it wasn't that long ago when our kids were at that stage. But just hang in there...soon you, too, will have the freedom that some of us had this time. It definitely was my favorite year of church camp this year (and last year too, I guess) strictly because of my girls' ages.