I think Annika was about 4 when she decided she wanted to have long hair, just like her auntie T (who since then has also cut her hair shorter). Over the past 2 years she's had it trimmed about 2-3 times each year, but other than that, we've just let it grow. And grow, and grow. And now it was time for a change.
She got nearly a foot of hair cut off and we are going to donate it to the Canadian Cancer Society to make into a wig for sick kids. She really liked the idea that her hair could go to a kid out there that doesn't have hair. I'm so proud of her - it wasn't an easy decision, but she didn't waffle at all when she was sitting in the chair, and she seems to really like her new style. I like it too, and I like that it will mean a lot less "hair maintenance" in our house. The long hair was pretty, but it was a lot of work for me (since she wasn't really able to care for it by herself). And she looks so grown up now! All ready for grade 1!!